
Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions are applied when you signup or use our services.

The terms “we”, “GTC”, and “us” means globaltuitioncenter.com

You mean student or person who uses our services.

Login Username and password

When you signup on to our website, you will be given login details like username and password. Please make sure that your login credentials like username and password are confidential. You must never share your login credentials mentioned with anyone. Global Tuition Center is not responsible for the non-confidentiality of your login credentials. You must have to change your password and then inform the Global Tuition Center immediately about the breach if you think that your log-in credentials have been compromised.

Your Tutor

We will be responsible to provide you with a tutor for your online tuition classes. We have got the right to change your tutor at any time if the tutor has left our institute or as per subject requirements.

You take the responsibility that you will not provide any personal information like your phone number, skype username or skype ID, postal address, email, Facebook, Instagram, or any other social platform’s ID or information.

You must and cannot ask for the same mentioned information from the Tutor about him/her.

We keep the Right the to Stop Providing Our Services

We will stop our services in the following cases:

  • If you failed to pay the fee after 12 days of the due date of the fee.
  • If you failed to take classes for 2 consecutive weeks without prior notice.
  • If we decide that your actions are not acceptable to us.
  • If you threaten or harass our staff.
  • If you violate any terms and conditions.

Our Liability towards You

When you sign up for our tutoring services, you are entrusting us with your academic success. We take this responsibility seriously and are committed to providing you with the highest quality tutoring available. In order to ensure that we are able to meet our commitment to you, we ask that you abide by the following terms and conditions.

  • We cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate you at any given time. We will make every effort to do so, but we cannot promise that we will always be able to provide you with tutoring in your desired subject area.
  • We are not responsible for any loss of work caused by our service. Your tutoring sessions can be scheduled when it is convenient for you, but we cannot guarantee that they will be mutually convenient. We reserve the right to cancel your account at any time without notice.
  • We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any tutoring session at our discretion for the incidents or events that are not in our control, such as storms, earthquakes, fire, war, riots, or any actions by the government that prevent us to offer our services, any persistent fault in telecommunication by our ISPs for more than one day and other weather-related events.
  • We are not responsible for the quality, timeliness, or legality of any academic materials that you use while tutoring with us.
  • Global Tuition Center (GTC) makes no warranty about the functionality of our website, or its error freeness, our website is free from viruses or any harmful links beyond our knowledge.
  • Global Tuition Center is not liable as per law in case of any direct or indirect harm, loss of money, or any time of damage if you use our website.
  • We are not responsible for any damage or loss to your device like laptop, computer, Ipad, or any which you use to connect with us. You are completely responsible for your devices for all reasons.
  • We are not responsible for any type of loss you get in case of any fake emails using our domain name or any fake email aliases using our domain name. All emails or email aliases using our domain “globaltuitioncenter.com” are considered as FAKE which is not mentioned on our website.
  • It is your responsibility to not click on any link provided in any fake email using our domain name that is not mentioned on our website.

Termination Of Our Services

If you want to quite our services then you will have to give us 10 days prior notice on our email address support@globoaltuitioncenter.com

General Terms

  • The duration of the class is 45 minutes.
  • The duration of the class will start from the starting time of the class.
  • The student is responsible to call or say texts like “hi, Hello” to show that he or she is ready for the class.
  • If a student is late then our teacher won’t be responsible to give complete 45 minutes. The student will lose those minutes in duration for which he or she was late, like if a student’s class time is 5:00 pm and he or she says to contact the teacher after 10 minutes then the teacher will give 35 minutes of duration.

Missed or Make-Up Classes

  • As our teachers have back-to-back classes so if you miss any class without 24 hours prior notice than your class timings, then we won’t be responsible for any make-up class.
  • If you inform us on our specified email address or phone number or our calling platform 24 hours prior to class time, we consider this as a valid make-up class which we provide a maximum of 2 make-up classes in a month per student for any or all his or her subjects.
  • We don’t guarantee you the rescheduling of valid make-up classes with the “same teacher” in case the teacher is not free in that month. We may conduct those classes with any other teacher.
  • If our teacher is absent for some reason like he or she is sick or any other reason then we may conduct your classes for those days with another teacher.

Recurring or due date of fee

The recurring or due date of the fee will be considered as your first regular (non-trial) class. Recuring or due date will not change in case of missing classes.

Privacy and Data protection

By signing up on our website you are accepting all the terms and conditions including our privacy policies. For any privacy concerns please see our privacy policy page.